Core Classes
Sparks Middle school offers a rigorous core curriculum in the areas of:
English Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Physical Education
REPORT CARDS — Report cards are sent home 6 times a year, at the end of every grading period. The report card indicates both academic and citizenship growth in terms of effort, instructional level, achievement, work habits, and citizenship/behavior. The 3rd and 6th report cards are final grades for the Fall and Spring semesters, respectively, and are used to calculate rewards for Renaissance Rallies and other special events.
PROMOTION CEREMONY CRITERIA — Participation in the promotion ceremony or end of the year activities is not mandatory. Students must meet the District Promotion Criteria to participate.
- No Unsatisfactory citizenship marks for any class
In addition, student must meet the 3 following criteria:
- D- Or higher in Language Arts or 60% or above on the End of Year assessment
- D- Or higher in Math or 60% or above on the End of Year assessment
- No more than 1 “F” in other classes