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Sparks offers the following elective courses. Please review the course descriptions below.

Visual & Performing Arts


Beginning Art is a basic, exploratory course offered for students who have little or no previous art experience. Students are introduced to elements of art and principles of design through the manipulation of basic art media such as pencil, crayon, ink, paint, paper, and clay. Students will become aware of art influences in history, culture and its place in our society.


In this beginning course of theater, students are introduced to an overview of drama. Basic acting and stage terms are incorporated through a series of activities and simple presentations. The student will identify responsibilities involved in a variety of dramatic presentations. In addition, the student will learn basic evaluative techniques of dramatic productions.


Dance is a year-long exploratory class that presents dance as an art form that stimulates the mind as well as challenges the body. Students will develop an understanding of the discipline and structure of dance classes, rehearsal, and performance etiquette.


Choir is a year-long performance class that teaches the basics of good choral singing and basic musicianship. Students learn and perform a varied repertoire throughout the year that includes songs in different styles and languages, representing different historical periods.


The major emphasis of this course is to develop student achievement through the study of more difficult band music. The course develops the ability to perform on an instrument with considerable skill accuracy and aesthetic sensitivity, provides opportunities for increasing skill in ensemble playing.  The student is provided with opportunities to examine and study the fundamental arts components including, where applicable, the perceptual, creative, historical, and critical. The course also develops skills in score reading.  The major emphasis of this course is to develop student achievement through the study of comparatively simple band literature. The course also provides opportunities to study and play the music of many geographical locations and historical periods.

Youth Cinema Project

Youth Cinema Project (YCP) works in the classrooms of public schools, integrating filmmaking with 21st century learning skills. It utilizes a rigorous standards-based curriculum and a hands-on approach that integrates social emotional learning and English Language Arts to provide an equitable and accessible learning experience for students while fostering lifelong learning and shaping the diverse future of the entertainment industry.

Engineering & Technology


STEAM 1 is a hands-on, project-oriented, inter-disciplinary introductory engineering course for students with advanced abilities in the academic disciplines of hands-on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics .  This course provides an opportunity to teach these courses in an integrated manner through project-based learning, problem solving, and research with opportunities to explore careers in STEAM


This program is recognized by the University of California admissions department, including UC Davis, UC Berkeley, and UCLA.

The C-STEM program allows students to participate in an academic environment focused on Computing, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (C-STEM) to explore real world challenges and create their own computer programs. Through the implementation of inquiry-based learning, students will experience the integration of computing. This is being made possible through collaboration with UC Davis. 

Student Leadership Programs



Enforcement Academy

LEA will study a variety of modules in the Administration of Justice and Public Safety curriculum.  Modules include: History of Law Enforcement; Crime and its consequences; The System of American Justice; Street Gangs; Crime Against Property; Crimes Against Persons; Juvenile Justice Process; Constitutional Law; General Aspects of Criminal Law; Forensic Science; Police Field Operations; Traffic Laws & Defensive Driving; Crimes Against Public Order; White Collar Crime.  Explorers may also participate in rigorous physical fitness activities and close order drill; exemplify Military Courtesies and be positive role models and leaders in the classrooms, on campus, and in the community.


Leadership & ASB


This class is open to students who have been elected by the student body to serve on the Associated Student Body Cabinet and to those students appointed to fill non-elective cabinet positions. Pride in one's school, service, responsibility, good citizenship, and character-building skills are stressed.

Culture & Language

Korean Culture & Language

Korean Culture course offers an exciting introduction to building knowledge about Korean cultural practices. Students are introduced to the Korean peninsula, heritage, language, and traditions connected to Korean culture. Students develop an awareness and appreciation through an exciting introduction to Korean culture. Students are encouraged to explore and experience cultural differences.

Spanish Culture & Language

This is a middle school introductory Spanish language and culture course in which the basic communication skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are taught and practiced. The emphasis is placed on the listening skills and oral language experience through the use of communicative and meaningful input. Cultural activities will be arranged to enhance students’ language acquisition and cultural awareness. This course will be in line with the 5 Cs of the World-Readiness Standards: Communication (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities

Academic Support

Academic Incentive Motivation 


This class is designed to ensure that all students will have the skills necessary to be successful in both college and career. Strategies will include goal setting, organization, note taking, problem solving, and critical thinking skills.  Students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.  Students may apply for this elective and are accepted based on grades, teacher recommendations, an interview, and effort toward achievement.

English Language Development (ELD)

English Language Development (ELD) class is designed to support middle school students in building proficiency in English across speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Through a combination of interactive activities, group discussions, and targeted lessons, students will strengthen their vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills. The course focuses on fostering language acquisition while promoting confidence in using English in academic and social contexts. Students will engage in practical exercises that encourage active participation and help them succeed in their other subjects.

Study Skills

In this elective course, students receive small-group instruction to become proficient with the academic material they are exposed to daily. Throughout this course, students have the opportunity to work on establishing strong student skills to better help with assignment completion and organization.