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Sparks offers the following elective courses. Please review the course descriptions below.

  • AIM
  • Band
  • Leadership
  • Media-Tech
  • Study Skills

AIM (Academic Incentive Motivation) – This class is designed to ensure that all students will have the skills necessary to be successful in both college and career. Strategies will include goal setting, organization, note taking, problem solving, and critical thinking skills.  Students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.  Students may apply for this elective and are accepted based on grades, teacher recommendations, an interview, and effort toward achievement. 

BAND – Beginning Band is open to all students with little or no experience on an instrument. Advanced Band is offered to students with at least one year experience in band. Our Advanced Band frequently performs away from school, causing students to miss class. For this reason, grade checks are required to ensure that students are achieving academically before they may participate. Jazz Band is also offered to students with prior music experience. School instruments are available for the school year, but only while supplies last.

LEADERSHIP Students in this elective work in committees to improve the atmosphere at Sparks Middle School. Students in Leadership will also develop vital character and positive living skills which will last a lifetime. Interested students may apply and are accepted based on grades, teacher recommendations, citizenship and leadership potential. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA and outstanding citizenship. 

Media-Tech This class is designed to give students an understanding of the technology used to create different types of media. The primary focus is making movies by writing scripts, creating storyboards, learning camera angles, acting, doing voice-overs, taking pictures, and a lot of editing. Media-Tech is the perfect class for those looking to be in front of the camera as everyone will play the role of the "actor."

STEAM –In this STEAM elective, students will be involved in projects and competitions dealing with the following subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics.  Some of the activities include designing and building robots; solving mathematical problems and preparing for participation in the district Mathapalooza competition; and experimenting, designing, and preparing for the Los Angeles County Science Olympiad competition.  Participation in one or more of the district and county events is expected of students that are in the STEAM elective class.

Study Skills – In this elective course, students receive small-group instruction to become proficient with the academic material they are exposed to daily. Throughout this course, students have the opportunity to work on establishing strong student skills to better help with assignment completion and organization.